Want to make an impact when you arrive at a Halloween party? The best way to do it, arrive in style – in a group Halloween costume!
Whether you are a group of friends, colleagues or relatives, here are some our favourite group Halloween costumes for 2017.
Harry Potter
When you come (J.K) Rowling up to a party in these costumes, people will be spellbound!
When you need a Halloween costume, who you gonna call? …Halloween Alley, duh. Capturing ghosts and ghouls isn’t just for adults anymore. We’ve got Ghostbuster costumes for even the littlest of Halloween fans.
Not Quite The Cullens
Get rid of the garlic, and jump into these vampire Halloween costumes for all the family. Carry around a cup of tomato juice (or red wine) for the added blood-sucking spook-factor.
Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to a Halloween party we go. With one Snow White and her seven dwarfs, hi, ho, hi ho, hi ho, hi ho.
Just make sure nobody tries to get you to clean their house, and stay clear of those red apples!
Nobody Will Find This Halloween Costume Despicable
For those of you that don’t want to leave your pets out this Halloween, head down to our Halloween stores across Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Newfoundland, Manitoba and Saskatchewan to get your hands on these Minion Halloween costumes for all the family.
Star Wars Costumes We Like
Thanks to Disney, Star Wars has been reborn and these costumes are sure to be in demand this year in the run up to December’s new Star Wars movie release.
A Night At The Game
For all you football fans, we’ve got the perfect group Halloween costume for you – A Night At The Game. You each dress as something you’d see when watching football. This one is sure to give the Halloween party guests a giggle.
Head to your local Halloween shop to look through our full collection of Halloween costumes for your group. Do you have anymore group Halloween costume ideas? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter on Instagram. Or if you are a group of two, check out these Halloween costumes for couples.