Halloween Makeup Tutorial: Creepy Doll

October 11, 2012

I don’t know about you but pretty much the two scariest things to be seen on Halloween are killer clowns and creepy dolls. So, we wanted to post a creepy doll makeup tutorial so that you’d have something to work with this Halloween! Sorry, gentlemen, this may not work as well for you but ladies this is the perfect look for you!

If you don’t have the makeup on hand, no problem – every one of our Halloween stores has an amazing selection of quality costume makeup and even disposable contacts so that you can look perfect on Halloween! While you’re visiting, pick up whatever you’d like to pair with this great Halloween makeup – maybe a sexy, frilly dress? Sexy and scary, what a combo.

Check out the videos below and be sure to come visit our Halloween stores soon. Can’t wait to see you!


Halloween Alley
Celebrate life. Halloween style!

Halloween Alley store location

About Halloween Alley

We take Halloween seriously. We’re more than just your local Halloween store with the best Halloween costumes in Canada. We want to give back to our communities. We are an independently-owned retailer, so we live where we work.


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