Moms are pretty awesome, for several reasons. First of all, they give birth to us, so we kind of owe them our whole existence. Also, our moms did a lot of things for us… and probably still do! I mean, who’s more dependable than old mom?
They kept us fed and clothed, and clean (at least they tried their best; let’s be honest, we didn’t make it easy for them). They took us out and entertained us. They made our Halloween costumes.
Besides, they trudged alongside us while we Trick r’ Treated with us on Halloween night and only ate the rejects of our Halloween candy.
Moms are pretty great. How are you thanking your mom this year for many (countless) things she’s done for you over the years? It better be good! Then, on the other hand, moms appreciate pretty much anything you give them, even a hug or even your finest “art”.