Men vs. Women: Halloween Shopping

July 9, 2012

Halloween is a much loved holiday, second only to Christmas. So, why do men and women approach it so differently?

I don’t know about you, but I like to decide what my Halloween costume will be right in the middle of summer and have everything purchased and ready to go in September. The men in my life, however, approach it a little bit differently – and by differently, I mean on October 29th they say, “Crap! I need a costume!” Sound familiar?

Though the majority of people probably aren’t hyper-planners like me, it seems women are a tad more organized about Halloween festivities. Perhaps it’s because all we really need to do is slip into a sexy black dress and toss some cat ears into our hair to pull off a costume.

So, what’s your verdict? Do you plan your Halloween costume way in advance or do you prefer to do the last minute dig through the costume chest (we had one of those growing up, it was great)? Letting us know might just get you an entry into winning an iPad… 😉

Couples Costumes

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About Halloween Alley

We take Halloween seriously. We’re more than just your local Halloween store with the best Halloween costumes in Canada. We want to give back to our communities. We are an independently-owned retailer, so we live where we work.


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