Hey there! Just wanted to give you a quick update. Unfortunately, we won't be able to fulfill any online orders and ship out in time for Halloween. But don't worry, we've got you covered! Why not swing by one of our awesome locations instead? We'd love to see you there and help you find the perfect Halloween goodies. Thanks for understanding, and we can't wait to serve you in person!

Womens Octoberfest Blue Beer Costume

$59.99 CAD

Womens Octoberfest Blue Beer Costume $59.99 CAD
SKU: 30533 Categories: , , ,

Supplier: Underwraps
Includes: Lace Front Mini Dress With Puff Sleeves,
Attached Apron
Every year the world celebrates Oktoberfest. Known for its Bavarian food, music and most famously the beer! Celebrate this tradition in this very authentic Beer Girl Costume. Pair this with the Blue Lederhosen men’s Costume.