So the time has come. You have your costume. Your makeup. Now it is time to carve your pumpkin. Get it ready for your front step, and let all of the ghouls and goblins know your house is open for trick-or-treating. Want to be the best house on the block? Check out what you need to know about the Teal Pumpkin Project, for the treaters with allergies. And learn a bit more about the history of a pumpkin below.
Here are 5 tips for making your pumpkin carvings last.
1. Timing is everything.
For warmer climates, wait until about a week before Halloween before you carve. If you live in a colder climate, you can carve about two weeks in advance. Timing is everything if you want your pumpkins to still look great on Halloween day!
2. Reuse silica packets.
Did you know that you can reuse those silica packets that you find in new shoes? Save them and place them in your pumpkin after carving it as they have preserving properties. You don’t need to tear the pack open, just place it inside whole. Remove before lighting your pumpkin.
3. Look for long stems.
The longer the stem is on a pumpkin, the longer the pumpkin will last. The stem contains a great deal of nutrients that it is continuing to feed the pumpkin, so the healthier the stem, the healthier the pumpkin. Avoid pumpkins where the stem has been broken off or severely cracked.
4. Keep your pumpkins cool.
Keep pumpkins in a shady area that is out of the sun. Heat will wear the pumpkin down and promote decay. Instead, keep your pumpkins in a cool spot in your yard. If temps become really warm, take your pumpkins inside or even place in a refrigerator for a few hours.
5. Apply some Vaseline.
After carving your pumpkin, apply some Vaseline to the fresh pumpkin that is now exposed to the elements. It will create a protective barrier, keeping it from rotting quickly. Apply it thick! It is clear so no worries, no one will see it.

Share your pumpkin carving photos with us on our Facebook or Instagram pages @HalloweenAlley and use #HalloweenAlley.
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