Skully has left beautiful B.C. and heads for the mountains of Alberta. Unsurprisingly, this beautiful province has been used as a filming location for many of our most loved horror, sci-fi and action movies.
The Revenant
This is one of Skully’s favourite movies so is his first stop on his tour of Alberta’s popular filming locations. While the terrifying bear scene was filmed in BC, much of the movie was set in Alberta, up high in the mountains and down low in the valleys.
Fortress Mountains was the filming location for the epic ski scene in the second half of the movie. The elaborate set took three months to build and they then had to wait for a snow storm to arrive before filming could commence. I’m sure you’ll agree, it was certainly worth the wait!
The movie was shot in the small towns of southern Alberta. Over 100 local extras were involved in the production. Do you know anyone involved? Skully auditioned to be an extra but was told he didn’t have the right look.
The Bourne Legacy
Star of The Bourne Legacy, Jeremy Renner, made a splash in the Elbow River’s Elbow Falls. The brave man did so in the height of winter. Skully is able to enjoy the falls in the much warmer August conditions.
Fargo (tv series)
We are going slightly off topic as it wasn’t the 1996 Fargo movie that was filmed in Alberta, we’re talking about the more recent TV series. The first season was filmed in Calgary. The second season spread its wings and used locations in Fort Macleod and Didsbury too.
Game Of Thrones
We have gone fully off topic here, not a movie but how can we not include Game Of Thrones!? Earlier this year Game Of Thrones began shooting in Banff. You’ll never guess why they chose Alberta? Alberta is home to the largest wolves in the world. Let’s hope Skully doesn’t unexpectedly bump into one of the monstrous hounds!
Have you ever visited the set of your favourite movie? Extra points if you’ve ever visited in your halloween costume.
For those of you in Alberta, did you visit our Halloween stores in Calgary, Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Lethbridge, Red Deer, Sherwood Park and St. Albert in 2017?